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How I Talk to God

Writer's picture: AlenaAlena

Updated: Jan 19, 2019

How does one address the Creator of the Universe?

As odd as it may sound, I talk to God the same way I talk to my best friend. God is part of me, and He is with me always. Therefore, He already knows all my inner thoughts and what I sound like when I’m ranting to my friends about something. If He doesn’t judge those things (which I know He doesn’t) then talking to God should be as simple and feel as good as any catch-up session with an old friend.

Involving God in our imperfection by talking to him casually is a kind of reverence because it shows how much we trust Him and want Him in everywhere in our lives.

Easier said than done, I know. If you go to a traditional church, it can be hard to break yourself out of the mindset that you need to act or speak in a certain way around the Lord. Formalities can keep you in a box, making you think that you need to address God in official language. There is nothing wrong with that, of course, and God certainly deserves our respect. However, the formal prayers I’ve recited throughout my life have kept me from seeing Jesus as a relatable friend.

John 15:13 reminds us: Greater Love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

It’s easy to forget that Jesus Christ lived on this earth, our God in human form. Jesus walked among us, and He resides within us through His Holy Spirit. He knows what it is like to be human, and He wants us to feel closer to Him than the air we breathe.

I start my prayers with a simple “Hi, God.”

Then, I go into whatever I need to discuss with Him that day. Addressing God this way is not sinful or prideful, it is just more personal. Our relationship with God is the most personal, precious thing we can cultivate in our lives, so why not talk to Him in familiar terms?

Engaging with God this way also makes it easier to speak to Him offhand throughout the day. Because I use such familiar terms, it makes it easier to see God’s constant presence in my life. I don’t need to be in a special setting or mindset to pray. God is walking hand in hand with me throughout the day, so whenever I have something I need to say to Him, I know that He is beside me to hear it.

Do I still say traditional prayers in church? Absolutely.

In fact, I’ve learned to personalize these as well. I’ve always known there was a deeper meaning to what I was saying in church, and so now I deconstruct classic prayers in my head so that I’m not just passively saying them.

Take the Lord’s prayer for example:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Firstly, I think about how I’m addressing my father, who I share with the whole congregation, the whole nation, the whole world. It’s so amazing to know that we all share the same Creator. I acknowledge how the name of Jesus is holy, or hallowed, and how blessed I am to know it.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

I am saying: God I want to want what you want. You are in power in my life and everywhere.

Then, the final part of the prayer, I meditate on how I fall short, how everyone I know falls short, but how still God is present in these situations and I need to remember that. God delivers us from evil and is our source of protection.

This prayer is essentially a prayer praising God for His wonder and mightiness.

Another way that I connect with God in church is through the music.

Music can be a beautiful form of prayer. Something about singing out in joy or crying out in sadness is so encouraging. It can make you feel so in awe of God, the faith you have and also the faith you share with the people around you. I also love this as a form of prayer because it solely praises the Creator. Normally when I am talking to God throughout my day, it revolves more around my worries or places in my life I’m lacking the ability to see His presence. Singing in church is a way of stating my thankfulness to God and focusing more on His goodness than on my own life.

My favorite way to pray is through Bible studies. I see them as a good starting point for having a chat with Jesus.

The studies guide you through how to have a conversation, and give you ideas for what to talk about.

If you’ve never done one before, it’s really easy, and I suggest you give it a try! I cozy up with my bible, a journal, some tea, and I light a candle. My routine changes all the time, but usually if I can I will do one before bed. Some people prefer morning Bible studies or only do them when they are stressed, and whatever works for you will work for God. It’s important to find a bible study that matches your style. I know that I enjoy journaling when there is a bible verse stated, some personal observations from a relatable Christian, and then follow-up questions.

I like studies set up in this way because they allow me to see how anything in the Bible can be applied to the struggles or joys I am currently experiencing.

I also like doing Bible studies with friends. A common misconception is that your faith needs to stay between you and the Lord. However, involving other people in your prayer life can also build your relationship with God.

It’s kind of funny to think about it this way, but when you have a Christian friend, it’s like having a mutual friend with them.

The mutual friend you have is the Lord, so it makes it easy to build a friendship with someone when you have such a crucial friend in common. Praying with my friends over meals, through bible studies, or having impromptu discussions with them are all powerful ways to have conversations with them about their own experiences and relationships with God.

What are your thoughts on prayer? Do you have ways of talking to God that are unique to your relationship with Him?

Stay tuned for the article on how God answers prayers and how I hear Him in the next couple of weeks!

Peace and blessings,



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